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Мачта приговоры в колонке А с теми, есть раздел B, чтобы сформировать обменов(Mast the sentences in column A with the ones is column B to form exchanges)

5-9 класс

1.where was kims birthday party&
2.Were you with them?
3.I was in New York last week.
4.He was a great singer.
5.Was he at the park yesterday afternoom?
a)What was his most famous song?
b)Were you?
c)Yes,he was
d)Last month.
e)No,I wasn't . I was at school.

Pavek1999 26 окт. 2014 г., 8:20:46 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 окт. 2014 г., 11:02:40 (9 лет назад)

1 - d, если вопрос when (если вопрос where и это не опечатка, то ни одна из букв не подходит)
2 - e
3 - b
4 - a
5 - c


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9 they spent a day in the country

10 they spend their days off in the country

correct each sentences

1 he has got the different stamps

2 a book is very interesting

3 what an interesting books!

4 have you ever been to bolshoi theatre&

5 do you usually many exercises&

6 don't you tellthat you are clever

7 he often says me that he is very busy

8 when have you done your homework&

9 they are work now

10 listen!jane crues!

which is right&complete the sentences

1 it sometimes (snow/snows/is snowing)here in november

2 it never (snow/snows/is snowing)here in octember

3 it(snow/snows/is snowing/snowed)yesterday

4 there is much (snow/snows/is snowing/snowed)in the forest in march

5 it (snow/snows/is snowing/snowed)again.lets play indoors

6 it (rain/rains/is raining/rained)again.we cant play outdoors now

7 it never(rain/rains/is raining)here in august

8 it (rain/rains/is raining/rained)three days ago

9 it often(rain/rains/is raining/rained)last autumn

10 it sometimes (rain/rains/is raining/rained)there last winter

огромное спасибо тем кто поможет!

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В этой пицце нет грибов. 6. Мне нравится эта пицца потому,что в ней есть пепперони. 7. В пицце есть рыба? У меня на нее аллергия. 8. В этом блюде нет соли.

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на тему книги по трем вопросам 1) who geur favorite writers are 2) what
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.Построй предложения, используя глагол can, обращай внимание на вид предложения: (+) -- утвердительное, (--) -- отрицательное,

(?) -- вопросительное.
Например: I -- swim (+) ------- I can swim.
1) Mary -- cook (+)
2) John -- speak English (--)
3) Birds -- fly (?)
[12.11.13 10:27:26] Екатерина Валерьевна Лаптева: 2.Образуй от данных слов формы множественного числа и запиши их в колонки в соответствии с тем, как в них читается окончание множественного числа
[12.11.13 10:27:40] Екатерина Валерьевна Лаптева: rose, door, bone, nose, piano, port, dish, mug, park
[12.11.13 10:28:17] Екатерина Валерьевна Лаптева: 3. Запиши текст, поставь глаголы из скобок в нужную форму.

Hello! I (be) Willy. I (like) playing with my pet. Her name (be) Molly. She (be) a big white dog. She (like) playing with a ball. We always (run) in the morning in the park.
[12.11.13 10:28:59] Екатерина Валерьевна Лаптева: 4. Ответь на следующие вопросы.
1) What's your name?
2) How old are you?
3) Where are you from?
4) Are you a pupil?
5) Is your mum a teacher?
6) Can you fly?
7) Do you have a pet? помогите плизз

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