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Составить 4 предложения про леса Западной Сибири на английском языке. Надо просто написать про то что какие они бывают леса и фотографии надо ещё.

5-9 класс


Нюrка 14 дек. 2014 г., 9:48:23 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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14 дек. 2014 г., 12:23:25 (9 лет назад)

Altay: foreign investment. Foreign investment is considered as one of the important conditions for the challenges of economic growth and integration into the world economy edge. Between 1995 and 2000, the volume of foreign investments in the economy of the Altai Territory was 117 million dollars in 2003 to the economy of the region was raised 287.9 million dollars (China - 189.9; Cyprus - 98.0) and 53 , 6 million rubles (China - 0.6 Germany - 47.1; Kazakhstan - 5.8). 47.1 million (87.9% of all ruble-denominated foreign investment) have been directed to the economy of the German national region, 5.8 million (10.9%) in the economy Rubtsovsk, 626.0 thousand (1 , 2%) and 287.9 million dollars - to the economy of the city of Barnaul. Altay region is attractive to foreign investors by: geographic location. Close proximity to major raw areas. Developed transport infrastructure that provides freight flows to the countries of East and Central Asia. In comparison with other regions of Siberia, the Altai climate is favorable. Altai has unique natural resources, including substantial reserves of minerals and timber. Is an ideal place for tourism and other recreational, scientific and technological base, due to the presence of numerous businesses in the region of the former military-industrial complex. Human resources are highly skilled and constantly replenished alumni network of educational institutions at all levels of education, including universities, developed market infrastructure, which includes transportation systems, banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, modern communication systems, the integration of the regional economy into the world economy. In the sphere of foreign economic activity edges involved 650 companies, political stability and absence of social tension, a sharp decline in inflation. 82.


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