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помогите составить предложения present simple Passive(3 предложения) , past simple passive(3 предложения)

5-9 класс

Superliza93 16 авг. 2014 г., 21:37:43 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 авг. 2014 г., 23:19:01 (9 лет назад)

The article is discused by the three girls.
I am praised for doing homework well.
All the students are invited to the party.

The patient was taken to hospital last Friday
His car was stolen last night.
He was given a lot of money last month

+ 0 -
17 авг. 2014 г., 0:53:43 (9 лет назад)

Present I live in Kyiv Does she sing songs? He doesn’t like to get up at six a.m Give me apple please? I has got a brother I DRAW A FLOVER   PAST He went to the school yesterday She didn’t built Do you go to school yesterday?   Passive Will  you  meet him in the shop?


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Помогите пожалуйста перевести сочинение: У каждого человека есть свои особенности и наклонности. Благодаря им мы можем легко определиться с будущей професс

ией. Моя будущая профессия - психолог. Я мечтаю быть психологом,потому что хочу помогать людям разбираться в себе и решать внутренние проблемы,проживать счастливую и успешную жизнь!

Помогите пожалуйста- Закончить предложения:

My name is ... . I am a pupil o f the ... . I go to school number ... . I
usually get up at . . . . In the morning I wash, dress and ... . After
breakfast I take my bag and... . I usually have 5 or 6 .... I come back
home at... . After dinner I go to the yard and .... I usually have my
supper a t .... In the evening I .... I usually go to bed a t ... .
Большое спасибо

перевод текста Native Britons

Читайте также

помогите составить предложения)1) a in

помогите составить предложения)
1) a in so will do teaching perhaps course i
2) to very you do go late bed sometimes
3) history interested so why books become in you did
4) understand her she did you ask to what wanted
5) to book who belong this does
заранее спасибо)

1) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple Passive. (USUALLY) 1. The postbox (to empty) every day. 2. The stamps (to

postmark) at the post office.

3. The letters (to sort) into the different towns.

4. The mail (to load) into the train.

5. The mailbags (to unload) after their journey.

6. The bags (to take) to the post office.

7. The letters (to sort) into the different streets.

8. The letters (to deliver).

2) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5.I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. My question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Hockey (to play) in winter. 15. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 16. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 17. His new book (to finish) next year. 18. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 19. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

3) Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice, обращая внимание на место предлога.

E.g. We often speak about her. — She is often spoken about.

1. We thought about our friend all the time. 2. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 3. The teacher sent for the pupil's parents. 4. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 5. Nobody slept in the bed. 6. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 7. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. 8. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 9. The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. 10. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 11. Nobody lived in that old house. 12. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that subject.

Make up 12 sentences using Present Simple, Present Cont., Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Cont., Past Perfect, Future Simple, Future Cont., Future

Perfect, Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive.

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