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V. Read the story and choose the right form of the verbs: 1. I (have been / was) to so many interesting places in Britain! 2. The Tower of London, for

5-9 класс

example. They (build / built) it 900 years ago. 3. Look at the picture. My father (is taking / takes) part in the famous marathon in London. 4. It is not my first trip to Britain. I (visited / will visit) London and Edinburg two years ago. 5. My parents and I (came / come) to see the festival in Edinburg. They (do / will do) it nearly every year. 6. We (stayed / stay) in London only for five days. But we (are / were) going to Britain for a longer trip next summer. 7. My brother (has gone / went) to Britain last year. He (studies / is studying) biology at the University of Oxford. 8. My parents and I (visit / visited) him last year. I (have liked / liked) Oxford very much.

Skiselev1 22 марта 2014 г., 18:24:59 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 марта 2014 г., 20:55:48 (10 лет назад)

1. I (have been / was) to so many interesting places in Britain!

2. The Tower of London, for example. They (build / built) it 900 years ago.

3. Look at the picture. My father (is taking / takes) part in the famous marathon in London.

4. It is not my first trip to Britain. I (visited / will visit) London and Edinburg two years ago.

5. My parents and I (came / come) to see the festival in Edinburg. They (do / will do) it nearly every year.

6. We (stayed / stay) in London only for five days. But we (are / were) going to Britain for a longer trip next summer.

7. My brother (has gone / went) to Britain last year. He (studies / is studying) biology at the University of Oxford.

8. My parents and I (visit / visited) him last year. I (have liked / liked) Oxford very much.


+ 0 -
22 марта 2014 г., 23:15:24 (10 лет назад)



































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Match the questions with the answers. Two answers are extra.

1) Which is your favourite magazine?
2) What was the film about?
3) Have you planned anything for the holidays?
4) When are you leaving?
5) How are you going to buy a new mobile phone?
6) What are you doing at the weekend?
a) In an hour, I think.
b) Carrie and I might see a film.
c) I always buy «Natalie».
d) It seems to me they have already left
.e) About the travel to Africa.
f) For three hours.
g) Not yet.
h) I might ask my dad for some money.

Помогите перевести))))

1)It's very important for friends to help each other in different situation. I hope when I'm in trouble my friends will support me.
2)I have several friends and we can talk about everything. But if we don't agree with each other,we can quarrel. Fortunately,it doesn't last long. Good friends shouldn't feel angry with.
3) Jim has missed several classes at school this month. He goes out with elder boys and comes home late. It worries his parents very much.
4) I don't believe Susan can make a good friend. She gets crazy when somebody is better than her. She always envies her classmates when they are successful.
5) Well, I don't think it will work, but I appreciate your advice and your wish to help.
6) I think you've been very rude to your neighbors. If you don't want to hear their advice, just ignore it, but don't be rude to them.
7) - How are you getting on with your new boyfriend?
- Quite well, but I can't say the same about my dog. Whenever Racks smells him he gets angry and barks
- Racks just fell jealous because he wants you to play with him instead of chatting with your boyfriend

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Read the story about Andrews trip.Have you ever been to Australiaa)
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Last summer Andrew went to Australia.He spent two weeks
there.Andrew liked the country very much.He saw the kangaroos and
koalas, took lots of photos and bought handmade souvenirs for his
friends at home. He also enjoyed traditional Australia meals.
Next summer Andrew is going to China. He has never been to China.
b) Write the questions about Andrews trip.
1.............................?To Australia.
2.............................?2 weeks.
3.............................?Yes, he did. Very much.
4.............................?The kangaroos and the koalas.
5.............................?Handmade souvenirs.
6.............................?Yes, he did. They were tasty.
7..........................?To China.
8.........................?Yes, he did. Lots of photos.
9..........................? No, he hasn/t.

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because I didn't hear &alarm clock. There wasn't much time. I was going to Chester& a job interview, and my train was & seven-forty, and it was already seven twenty-five. Then I couldn't find &keys to open the door. I looked them &everywhere. Finally I decided there was only one thing to do. I opened a window and started climbing out. This was not difficult, because my flat is& the ground floor and I am still quite young and athletic. I play &tennis every Saturday afternoon, and I did a lot of swimming &holiday when we went to Florida with my Dad &last summer. But just as I stood up and closed the window somebody said 'Excuse me, sir.' I turned round and saw that it was &policeman. It was now seven-thirty, so I didn't really have time &conversation. 'Good morning, officer,' I said, 'I'd like to talk to you, but I'm afraid I can't stop, I've got a train to catch.' 'I'm sure you have, sir,' he said. 'But I'll have to ask you &few questions first.' So I spent &hour and a half at the police station, and I missed &train, and when I finally got to Chester they said I was too late& the meeting. The next train home was at six &the evening, so I had to spend the day& Chester. It rained all day. Do you want to know what there is to do& a rainy day? Do you want to know when I came &home? Don't ask.

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Сожмите! Now reading - the most widely used method of transmitting information, and the book - its carrier. However, it was always, at all

times. Therefore, it is important to read and even to get involved, because they rightly say: "possess information - have a situation." But what is the use of reading, and whether it is at all?

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