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Помогите исправить ошибки в предложениях ! Срочно надо !!!! I put them into the bag .

1-4 класс

2. He wants to go to London . I thing he will happy there .
3.there will a new blackboard in our classroom next month .
4.we have been to Moscow two years ago .
5 .who did wash the floor ?
6.have you see the film?
7. When has your mother left school?
8.five millions people live in this city
9. What text have you translated yesterday ?

Alimovasaya02 28 апр. 2014 г., 9:05:50 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 апр. 2014 г., 11:36:25 (10 лет назад)

2. He wants to go to London. I think he will be happy there.
3. There will be a new blackboard in our classroom next month.
4. We were in Moscow two years ago.
5 .Who washed the floor?
6. Have you seen the film? 
7. When did your mother leave school? 
8. Five million people live in this city 
9. What text did you translate yesterday?


Другие вопросы из категории

Задание: Complete the sentences with the verbs to spend, to go , to miss, or to take in the correct form.

1. Last summer i ... abroad. I ... my parents and friens very much. 2. Some gorls like to ... shopping. 3 . I like to ... the summer holidays in the country. But then i always ... the summer football matches in my city. 4 .My granny had a nice puppy. I ... care of it when i stayed in the country. 5 . My parents gave me a new camera. So i can ... a lot of pictures now. 6. All of my classmates will ... part in our school sports competition.

Слово were в первой форме
Перевод: Emma plays basketball very well
Put the sentences in the correct order. Model. 1-D A. The mouse is in the lion's paw. B. The lion gets into a net. C. The mouse helps the lion. D. One day

a lion goes for a walk. E. A little mouse sees the lion. F. The lion lets the mouse go. G. The mouse runs and jumps on the lion.

Перевести на английский язык

Я,бабушка и дедушка собираем цветы
Мама и сестра Нина кушают
Папа жарит мясо
Мне понравилось на пикнике

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Мне необходимо исправить ошибки в предложении помогите:

Jerry haven`t got two sisters.
His mum and dad isn`t from Africa.
Is Tom and Fred very well? - Yes, they are.
Have yuo got a family? - Yes, yuo have.

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