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Помогите пожалуйста : you can use these words to describe someone's character.Guess what they mean or consult a dictionary

5-9 класс

.Complete the sentences .

2. A person who likes to meet and spend time with other people is ... .
3. A person why produces new original ideas and things is ... .
4. A person who is afraid to or speak to unknown people is ... .
5 . A person who likes to talk a lot is ... .
6. A person who is impolite is ... .
7 . A person who is interested in things and wants to find out about them is ... .

Ff16 27 мая 2013 г., 2:16:58 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 мая 2013 г., 5:05:17 (11 лет назад)

2. Sociable, 3. Creative, 4. Shy, 5. Talkative, 6. Rude, 7. Curious

+ 0 -
27 мая 2013 г., 5:53:24 (11 лет назад)

5) talkative
7) curious

все что знаю пожалуйста


Другие вопросы из категории

Ребята выручайте! Переведите на английский фразы, плиз без гугл переводчиков и т.п. 1) Моё любимое занятие 2) Печатать

(на компьютере)

3) Статья о редких видах птиц

4) Катать (толкать) тележку по магазину

5) Смотреть в окно

6) Заработать хорошие оценки

7) Издавать ежемесячный журнал

8) Дешевая газета

9) Печатать (при помощи печатного станка)

10) Частная школа

11) Тебе придется толкать сильнее, если ты хочешь подвинуть гардероб 12) У Джона Бенсона есть свой личный самолет

13)Ты закончил работать со статьями ( to be through with)?

14) Я никогда не писал статьи в журналы или газеты

15) Нижняя (bottom) строчка на этой странице плохо напечатана.

16) Он напечатал (опубликовал) результаты своего исследования (research)?

17) Я не думаю, что частные университеты являются лучшими университетами в нашей стране.

18) Мой брат никогда не покупает дешевые туфли.

19) Нам бы хотелось иметь общее представление о вашем проекте.

20) Он сидел в кресле, глядя в окно.

21) С каких пор ты сам зарабатываешь себе на жизнь?

помогите с Английским очень буду благодарна.

надо выбрать use или used
ОТ РЕДАКТИРУЙТЕ ЭТИ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ. Надо выбрать use или used/
he used wear a uniform when he was at school.
We didn't used to understand Our French teacher.
Did you used to work in an office?
She use to work late but now she finishes at 5.00.
Did your children used go to shcool on Saturdays?

Which of these words can only be used with "make":

1.a favour
3.a mistake
4.the job
5.your best
Вариант ответа должен быть ОДИН!
я в раздумьях, мне кажется или 1 или 2._.

Дать ответ:

1.Who do we call pen pals?

Читайте также

1 . how often do you go to the cinema? 2. do you prefer to watch films at the cinema or on video or DVD?Why? 3. If you watch a film in a

foreign language , do you prefer it dubbed into Russian, or with subtiltes ?Why?

4.What kind of films do you prefer ?Use these words to help you.

слова ,которые нужно использовать в ответах: romantic films

action films


science fiction films

historical epics


animated films

horror films

помогите пожалуйста,прошу ваас:((

Помогите пожалуйста!!!

задание: Read the summary of the text. Join the sentences together using one of the words from the box. You can use each word more than once. There may be more than one possible ansver for each sentence.
1)Serena and Blair read the letters. They had got the letters from different universities.
2)The girls were excited.They were reading the letters.
3)Serena looked at Blair.She understood that the news was not very good.
4)Blair got a place only in Georgetown University.She did her best at school.
5)At that moment Blair hated Serena.She thought that she was cleverer than Serena was.
6)Serena was not going to Yale to study.She got a positive ansver from Yale.
7)Blair had a small chance to get into Yale.She was put on the waiting list.
8)Serena tried to calm down her friend.She understood it would be very difficult.

Прошу помогите: Match the words to their opposites. There is one word you don’t have to use. 1) expensive A) dry 2) wet B)


3) easy

C) light

4) heavy

D) cold

5) hot

E) ugly

F) cheap

Match the sentence with the correct question word. There is one word you do not have to use. You should use other words only ONCE.

1) ______ does the maths lesson begin?

A) How often

2) ______ is the Art room?

B) Which

3) ______ are you reading this book?

C) Where

4) ______ do you clean the car?

D) When

5) ______ book do you want?

E) Who

F) Why

помогите пожалуйста надо вставить слова ....... you get your news from newspapers or TV ? .Whre?. What ? When ? .....news do you read or wath per day ?

How many ? How much ? How else ? ..... do you turn on the radio to get your news ? How ofter ? How ? Where ? ......your friend have a favourite radio station ? Does ? HAS ? Have ? You find teen magazines rather informative ,..... ? ..don't? Can... ? do ? ....... teen magazines have an age limit ? Should?Can ? Do ? ......... you fond of the Internet ? Are ? do ? have ? ........ better-the Internet,or books ? What is ? Which is ? Is it ? .....much more information that can be found online than in books ? is ? Is there ? How ? ..... is the most popular website with your classmates ? What ? What kind of ? which ? ....you ever used your mobile to get the news ? Have ? do ? did ?

Помогите пожалуйста!! Очень срочно!! Нужно встаить слова в пропуски, там даны первые буквы этих слов. Слова которые нужно вставить во вложении.

1) I've been invited to a party on Saturday but, to be honest , i'm rather r... to go
2) In the old days skates were f... to shoes with pieces of string
3) Do you think the book is w.... buying ? Have you read anything by this author?
4) The wind was strong and the dog's long ears were f.... in the air.
5) Recently i've become quite a... to the Smiths. They are such a nice family !
6) My grandmother says when she was young they s... linen after washing it.
7) The only f... that i have ever seen was my great-grandfather's. He died a couple of years ago.
8) If you d... the long handle from the pan , you can use the pan in the oven.
9) What is traditional o... of an english nurse.
10) I don't like the look of that i.... cloud . It looks like rain.
11) It's not polite to ch.... and the talk at the same time.
12) When we met Bryan that day his face was s... and unsmiling .
13) You and your r... ideas! Why should you always think of something stupid !
14) Sally gave us a d.... look and left the room without saying a word .
15) Father said " No " so f.... that we understood he would never change his mind

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