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5-9 класс

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Dear Robert ,
Thanks for your letter . It was nice of you to drop me a line . I arrived home safely today .
I liked your house and your family . I had a good time . I want to thank your hospitality .
You have been very kind and friendly to me . I liked the kitchen of your mom and dad's library . I felt right at home .
I invite you to my house , I hope can come to be fun . If you can go , please let me know so I can prepare for your arrival .Thanks again and let's talk soon .
Regards ,

RussianT 30 авг. 2014 г., 22:36:25 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 авг. 2014 г., 23:36:07 (9 лет назад)

Dear Robert ,
Thank you for your email . It was nice of you to write me . I came home today .
I liked your house and your family . I had a good time . I want to thank your hospitality .
You were very kind and friendly to me . I liked the kitchen of your mom and dad library . I felt like home .
I invite you into my house , I hope I can come to be fun . If you can go , please let me know so I can prepare for your arrival Thank you again and talk to you soon .
Sincerely ,

+ 0 -
31 авг. 2014 г., 2:05:07 (9 лет назад)

Напиши по-русски текст,а я переведу

+ 0 -
31 авг. 2014 г., 3:29:00 (9 лет назад)

Шта?Я напишу тебе с английского на русский,а ты мне обратно?Гениально.

+ 0 -
31 авг. 2014 г., 6:03:47 (9 лет назад)

Как вежливо.теперь точно не буду.


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Вопрос : Do you know any vegetarians ?? What do they eat ? What do they avoid ?

express the same in english 1 В мире существует огромное количество словарей. 2 Учителя обычно просят своих учеников вести словари,чтобы

записывать в них новые слова.

3Дай мне,пожалуйста,вон тот большой словарь с полки.

4Каждый,кто учит иностранный язык,должен стремиться расширить свой словарь.

5В конце нашего учебника есть словарь.

6Открыв словарь,вы можете многое узнать о языке.

7Словарь Пушкина отличается от словаря Гоголя.

8Сколько слов содержит словарь английского языка?

Помогите решить, пожалуйста!!!

Записать слова, подходящие по смыслу.

Hello!Nace to see you again!

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Пожалуйста, проверьте мое сочинение об известной личности. Помогите исправить ошибки если они есть, заранее большое спасибо.

Benedict Cumberbatch is one of the most popular British actors today.

Benedict was born July 19, in London, the son of actors Timothy Carlton and Wanda Ventham. He was in Harrow School in northwest London, where he began performing as an actor. He then attended the University of Manchester, where he studied drama. After graduating of University of Manchester , Cumberbatch continued his training as an actor at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Already in 2001, Benedict became famous actor in England. he began to offer the role of not only in theatre, but also in film.

Benedict Cumberbatch has played in many movies, but the international fame he received for his role as "Sherlock Holmes" in TV series BBC «Sherlock."

For the role of Sherlock, Benedict has received many awards, such as the "Golden Globe", "BFTA", "Emmy" and others.

Исправьте ошибки если они есть!!! 1 A post man has walk a lot. 2 Model`s don`t usually workon the stage. 3 Tennis players have to train hard. 4 A police

officer is aneasy job. 5 A lawyer dangerous job 6 A secretary has treat people. Предуприждаю что там не только орфагрофические ошибки ну и другие помогите пж срочно надо

Проверьте мое сочинение и найдите ошибки(если они есть) In summer,i read my favourite book again.Its book about russian general Skobelev Mikhail

D.The book was written by N.N.Knirring.People said, that he was equal Suvorov.He was born in 17 September 1843 in Saint-Peresburg.His dad was general too and his mum was russian princess.When he was 13 year,his parents sent him to France,to study French.In 1858-1860 Skobelev entered in St.Peresburg University.He very much traveled to Russia,he wanted to be very clever warlord.When he was 25 year,he first took part in the battle.After the Russian-Turkish was Skobelev became a general of infantry.All his enemies afraided him and his friends called him"White general"

помогите пожалуйста срочнооо!исправите вот тут ошибки(если они есть):

In my country spring
has already set. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long.

I rode a bicycle and
roller blading

As you know, I really
like computers, and I'm spending long hours in front of a screen both at school
and at home. I invite you to the next weekend in the cinema. There will be very interesting.

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