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Прошуу нужен перевод этих предложениий... СРОЧНО. And my head is also so hot . Of course, it is high. I recommend you to drink a lot, especially tea.

5-9 класс

Burubek2 06 мая 2015 г., 2:06:33 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 мая 2015 г., 4:57:50 (9 лет назад)

И моя голова к тому же горячая. Конечно же она высокая. Я рекомендую вам много пить, особенно чая.

+ 0 -
06 мая 2015 г., 7:46:22 (9 лет назад)

зайди в переводчик и там перевели ето


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1)What is butter made from ?
2)Where are cinemas,theatres and museums built?
3)What language is spoken in France
4)When are newspapers brought to your home?
5)Where are clothes bought?

Напиши перевод текста

А Way Out
А French student decided to go to London during his summer vacation. Не thought: "I know English а little and people will understand me."
Once he spent а morning in the British Museum and felt tired and hungry. Не decided to have а cup of tea and some eggs in the nearest restaurant. Не went in and sat down at the table. The waiter came up to him and asked him what he wanted.
The student could not order what he wanted because he didn' t know the English word for "eggs". What to do? Then he noticed а magazine on the table. There was а cockerel on its cover. Не showed the picture to the waiter.
"How do you call this?" - he asked.
“А rooster, sir,” answered the waiter.
“And what do you call а rooster's wife?" was the next questions.
“А hen, sir."
“And what do you call hen' s children?"
"Chickens, sir."
“And what do you call chickens before they are born?"
"Eggs, sir."
"Very well. Now bring me three eggs and а cup of tea, please!"

Переведите на английский. Я встаю в 10 часов утра. Потом я иду в ванную.Дальше я завтракаю.Затем у меня свободное время.В 1 я иду в школу. В 6 я иду

домой. Я делаю домашнее задание и ужинаю.После я играю в компьютор.В 11 я ложусь спать

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along a year apart. It's worse than waiting for a bus; I fear 1 used to fret and fuss, But now, when by impatience vexed, Between one birthday and the next, 1 think of all that I have seen That keeps on happening in between. The songs I've heard, the things I've done, Make my un-birthdays not so un-.

Cрочно нужен перевод этого текста!The symbol of England is a red rose, and English people are crazy about gardening. A lot of families have pets. English

football is famous, of course, but there is another national sport too, cricket. Scotland is very famous for its beautiful scenery and the lakes called lochs. An important symbol of Scotland is a special kind of material called tartan. Another symbol of Scotland is the thistle. Another symbol of Wales is a vegetable called the leek. People wear them on their coats on St. David’s Day, the Welsh national holiday. Welsh people are famous for their singing and their musical festivals. The most famous symbol of Ireland is shamrock. In Ireland you may see different shades and tones of green. The Irish are famous for their playing, singing and dancing. Everyone who was born in Britain is British. People from England are the English. They are Scottish or the Scots; the Welsh and the Irish. People from Scotland and Wales don’t like when they are called the English. Everyone in Britain speaks English. But in some parts of Scotland and Wales people speak different languages as well. The Welsh are especially proud of their language. Everyone in the UK speaks English but they all speak it differently.

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