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глагол watch в прошлом времени

5-9 класс

Nastenka2705 18 нояб. 2014 г., 16:25:44 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 нояб. 2014 г., 18:41:37 (9 лет назад)

watch в прошедшем времени я думаю это watched

+ 0 -
18 нояб. 2014 г., 19:12:00 (9 лет назад)

глагол watchв прошлом времени watched


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Как будет по Английски 12:35 ?
Помогите пожалуйста перевести только корректно потому что гугл плохо переводит Dear Editor,

My sons Tom,7 ,and chris, 15, often have fights. They don't get on with each other. They often argue about things because they refuse to share them. For example, we have only one TV set, and they can never share. The day before yesterday, Tom's favourite film was on TV, but chris wanted to see the world Cup. So they had a fight again. My husband and i had an argument about this conflict.
I said that Tom had the night to watch TV because he was younger that Chris. But my husband said it was not fair which of us is right? We want our sons to be good friends and to resolve their conflicts peacefully.

Ann Smith

Переведите пожалуйста

номер А
на русский язык

Читайте также

1.Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в одном из следующих времен Active: Present, Past, Future Indefinite; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past

Perfect. 1.You ( to go) to the library tomorrow?-No, I already (to be) to the library this week. I ( to be) there on Monday. As a rule, I ( to go) to the library every Wednesday. But yesterday I ( not to go) there, because I ( not to read) the book. I ( to read) it now. I ( to go) to the library on Saturday if I ( to finish) the book by that time. 2.As soon as I ( to receive) a letter, I shall go to Moscow. 3.Yesterday I ( to put) five apples into the vase. Where they ( to be ) now?-I ( to eat) them. You ( to bring) some more tomorrow?- Yes, if you ( not to make) noise when granny (to sleep). 4.You ever (to be) to the Hermitage? 5.What Nick ( to do) when you (to ring) him up yesterday7?-He ( to play) the piano. He ( to tell) me that he already ( to write) his composition. 6.Why she ( to sleep) now? It ( to be) too early. She never ( to sleep) at this time

2.Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в одном из времен: Present, Past, Future Indefinite Passive.
1.Bread ( to eat) every day.
2.The letter ( to receive) yesterday.
3.Nick ( to send) to Moscow next week.
4.I ( to ask) at the lesson yesterday.
5.I ( to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday.
6.Many houses ( to build) in our town every year.
7.This work ( to do) tomorrow.
8.This text ( to translate) at the last lesson.
9.These trees (to plant) last autumn.
10.Many interesting games ( to play) at our PT lessons.
11.This bone ( to give) to my dog tomorrow.
12. We ( to invite) to a concert last Sunday.
13.My question ( to answer) yesterday.
14.Hockey ( to play) in winter.
15.Mushrooms ( to gather) in autumn.
16.Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.
17.His new book ( to finish) next year.
18.Flowers ( to sell) in shops and in streets.
19.St.Petersburg ( to found) in 1703.

используя глаголы в скобках во времени present progressive там где это возможно/

1. make
2 go
3. eat.
4. with
5. see
6 phone
7. must watch


1. Выбрать правильный вариант.
This is your book and that is...book.
a)my b)mine c)mine one

2. Выбрать правильный вариант.
He... a good student.
a)are b)am c)is

3. Перевести предложения на английский языкю
У моего брата есть собака
У вас есть уроки сегодня?

4.Образовать множественное число существительных.
goose, mouse, woman, knife, box, child

5. Выбрать правильный вариант.
He... English books every day.
a)read b)reads c)reading

6. Перевести предложения на английский язык.
На полке лежат книги.

7. Выбрать правильный вариант.
I... speak English at all
a)must b)can not c)should

8. Поставить глагол в нужную видо-временную форму (Progressive; Present, Future Simple)
We (to watch) TV yesterday when you came.
He (to go) to his work every day?
When you (to wake yp) tomorrow?

срочно в прошлом времени перевести и поставить в вопросительнм и отрицательном

он открыл свой магазин в 10 часов вечера

она убрала свою комнату на прошлой недели

я выпила кофе вчера

Помогите пожалуйста! Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form-Present Simple or Present Continuous!!! You can...(see) the Browns in their living

room.They usually...(spend) their Saturday evenings at home. Look ,Mr Brown ...(sit) in his armchair and ...(watch ) TV. He ...(like))sports programmes and the news. Mrs Brown...(read)a magazine. She ...(buy) magazines and newspapers every morning.Betsy?their daughter,...(take) care of the family pets. Now she ...(feed) her fish.Her elder brother Bob ...(draw)a ship.He ...(go) to be an artist. Здесь нужно вставить правильно глаголы которые в скобках, временах: Паст Симпл и Пресент Континиус! Помогите пожалуйста!

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