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Letter to someone you admire (написать письмо кому-либо, кем я восхищаюсь). Желательно на английском.

5-9 класс

Варвара789888 03 сент. 2014 г., 8:37:04 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 сент. 2014 г., 9:26:07 (9 лет назад)

I think everybody has an idol, a person you admire. I have an idol, too.His name is Alexander Kalyagin. He is the Honoured Russian actor and film director. He was born not far from my native town of Vyatskie Polyany. Alexander Kalyagin starred in many films, but my favourite film where he played the main role is “Hello, I am your aunt!” His voice is known to any child in our country because he voiced the cat Leopold in the famous Russian animated cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”.What can I say about his appearance? I think it’s unusual. He is rather stout and bold. He has abig open forehead and so kind eyes that people like him at first sight! Now Alexamder Kalyagin is an artistic director of the “EtCetera” Theatre in Moscow. Also he is the chairman of the Theatre Union of Russia.There is a Theatre School for children in our town. I have been attending it for three years. I am proud that this school was named after Alexander Kalyagin. At our Theatre School we stage different performances and just enjoy communicating with each other. Alexander Kalyagin comes to our school and helps in its development. I admire him, because he is not only a talented actor and director but he is just a kind and sincere man. And we all love and respe


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words). Remember to describe yorself/your classmates/your friends.
Dear sir or madam.
I am writing to your newspaper to tell you thet I id like to make friends with smeone from another country. I am looking for an Engleesh-speaking pupil who a could write letters to in Engleesh.
Let me tell you somethink about myself:


I am really looking forward to hearing from someone who would like to be my pen friend.

Написать письмо детям газету, чтобы найти зарубежного друга перо (100 слов). Не забудьте описать yorself / ваших одноклассников / друзей.
Уважаемые дамы и господа.
Я пишу, чтобы вашу газету рассказать вам Тхет Я Я бы хотел подружиться с smeone из другой страны. Ищу Engleesh-говорящего ученика, который мог бы написать письма в Engleesh.
Позвольте мне рассказать вам немного о себе:

Я действительно с нетерпением ожидаю услышать от тех, кто хотел бы быть моим пером друга.

Work in pairs Use the Strategies to prepare for the roleplays and then act out the situations 1. You are on a train. Ask someone you

don't know to close the window
2. You are with your friend. Decide what to do at the weekend
3. You see your middle-aged neighbour in the street. Ask him/her to post a letter for you
4. You borrowed your friend`s magazine last week
5. You are in a restaurant. Ask the waiter/waitress to give you the menu
6. You are an English teacher

Нужно составить диалог с вопросами и ответами на одну любую тему (не менее 10 предложений)

Work in pairs Use the Strategies to prepare for the roleplays and then act out the situations 1. You are on a train. Ask someone you

don't know to close the window
2. You are with your friend. Decide what to do at the weekend
3. You see your middle-aged neighbour in the street. Ask him/her to post a letter for you
4. You borrowed your friend`s magazine last week
5. You are in a restaurant. Ask the waiter/waitress to give you the menu
6. You are an English teacher

Ребят, помогите составить письмо на английском.

Вообщем нужно написать письмо подруге ее зовут Соня.
Вот вам пример того как нужно составить письмо:
Dear Mom?
We have been to Almaty sinc Saturday.
We have taken lost of photos.
We have seen all the sights and we have visited museums and parks.
We are having a lovely time!
Love, Сarol
P.S Have you got our letter?
Mary Brown

СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ!!! Прочитай внимательно ситуацию и выполни задание: Your friend has moved to Germany.Write a letter to him/her

Follow the plan:

1.Greet him/her.

2.Thank him/her for the last letter.

3.Ask how he/she is.Include some chat about family, friends.

4.Cheer him/her up.Show how you miss him/her.

5.Give news about your life.

6.Ask some questions ( about place, school, friends).

7.Give a reason to stop writing.

8.Invite him/her to visit you in summer.

9.Sign off.

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