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Помогите пожалуйста по английскому. Complete the sentences using Unreal conditional (Present or Past). A.1. If I came home later ...

5-9 класс

p>2. If he had known my adress ...

3. I was not well prepared for the examination. I wish ...

4. If I had seen you yesterday ...

5. If I had known that you needed my help ...

6. If I were in your place ...

7. If I had a computer ...

B. 1. I would be late for the lesson, if ...

2. I would have come to you, if ...

3. I would have given you my text-book, if ...

4. I would have helped you if ...

5. I wouldn't buy the book if ...

6. It would be better if ...

Iwishididnthate 20 дек. 2013 г., 8:23:15 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 дек. 2013 г., 8:59:04 (10 лет назад)


1. If I came home later I would have very little free time.

2. If he had known my adress he would have come to my place (так и просится дальше: and smash my face).

3. I was not well prepared for the examination. I wish I had learnt the material better.

4. If I had seen you yesterday I would have given you the money I owe you.

5. If I had known that you needed my help I would have helped you at once.

6. If I were in your place I would act differently.

7. If I had a computer I would play games and do nothing else.


1. I would be late for the lesson, if I missed the bus.

2. I would have come to you, if I had had an opportunity to do it.

3. I would have given you my text-book, if I hadn't left it at home.

4. I would have helped you if I had known how to do it.

5. I wouldn't buy the book if I knew that it was boring.

6. It would be better if I had more time to work at my self-improvement.

Пара комментариев по примерам под буквой B. (под A сами подумайте по аналогии, где настоящее, а где прошедшее анриал).

1, 5, 6 примеры - Нереальное настоящее - условие уже не выполнится, т.к. упущен шанс в прошлом; либо его выполнение нереально/маловероятно в будущем (напр., если бы я был президентом, то я бы...).
Главное: would (not) + глаг. в инфинитиве без to
Придаточное: If... глаг. в Past simple

2, 3, 4 пимеры - нереальное прошедшее - предположение о другом варианте развитий событий в прошлом или сожаление о чем-то (вот если бы я оделся тогда потеплее, то потом не заболел бы).
Главное: would (not) + have + глаг. в Participle II.
Придаточное: If... глаг. в Past Perfect.


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Артикль "THE" поставить ...срочно!!! Заранее спасибо)))

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помогите пожалуйста)) 1 задания) Complete the sentences with this , these , it , or they) a) "Are_____keys Tom's?" "No,_____aren't" b) How much

are____trousers? c)"____book is interesting". "No,____isn't. _____'s d)I don't like____cheese. e)"Do you like____jacket?". "Yes,_____'s fashionable" а вот второе)) Complete the sentences with that , those , it , or they a) Look at _____boys._____ are twins. b)"How much is ____ stamp?" "_____'s very expensive" c)"Are_____ girls your sisters?" "Yes,____are". d)"Is _____ house Kate's?" "Yes, ____ is" e)Look at _____fantastic car.

Пожалуйста решите!!! это как тест!!! потом просто изменить предложения!!! тот кто знает тот решит за 2 минуты!!! 1) Complete the sentences using

one of these verbs in the correct form, present or past:

1 This house (is/are/was/were) built by my grandfather.

2 Many accidents (am/are/was/were) caused by dangerous driving.

3 The room (is/are/was/were) cleaned every day.

4 The letter (is/are/was/were) posted a week ago

5 The flight (is/am/was/were) cancelled because of fog.

6 Cheese (is/are/was/were) made from milk.

7 A cinema is a place where the films (is/are/was/were) shown.

2)Put the verbs into the correct form, present or past. Please, try to use full form:

1While I was travelling around the country my camera (steal)from my hotel room.

2The policemen (call) by our friends.

3The road (use) very often.

4Originaly the book (write) in Spanish, and a few years ago it (translate)into English.

5The islands (wash) by the Atlantic ocean.

6Telephone (invent) in the ninteenth century.

7About this event (speak much) now.

8We (not allow) to make personal calls at work.

9Our project (make) a week ago.

10Three boys (inform) about test results last lesson.

3)Make the sentences Passive:

1D.Defoe wrote the novel about Robinson Crusoe at the age of sixty. 2Grandparents brought up Mike and his younger sister.

3Millions of people visit Moscow every year.

4Sir Christopher Wren designed St.Pauls Cathedral in the late 17th century. 5My friends invited us to a party.

6A group of artists organized this original exhibition.

7In Bangladesh people celebrate New Year in April.

8Our team won the game yesterday.

9Most people in the USA speak English.

10All students in our class use computers.

Вроде всё... Помогите плиз!

1. Complete the sentences with word combinations.

Example: What are you doing? - Im planting the bushes. I waht ... the road. - I want TO SEPARATE THE GARDEN FROM the road.
1) Will you join us on our cycling trip tomorrow? - Im afraid, I wont. I must_________________________ first.
2) Every summer, we __________________ in the mountains. We sleep in tents ahd make fires to cook breakfast and dinner.
3) Can you _______________ ? - Yes, I can. But I like basketball more.
4) The young tourists decided to__________________ and draw a map of it.
2. Complete the sentences.
Use: is are was were
1) Any news? - Yes, but the news __________ not very good today.
2) There ________ only 15,000 people in the town in 1995. Now, more than 100,000 people live there.
3) I liked the concert yesterday. The music _________ beautiful.
4) What _____ the children going to do? - I dont know. Lets wait and see.

Помогите,пожалуйста,сделать английский!

. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.
1) Jane ________ (write) a letter to a magazine. She ____ (not finish) it yet.
2) Den __________ (look) for his pen-knife, but he _______(not find) it yet.
3) Nick _______(play) a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.
4) Greg _____ (wait) for Jenny in the downtown. She _____ (not arrive) yet.
5) Kate ________ (not finish) painting the flowers yet. She (work) on the picture for two weeks.

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса "Помогите пожалуйста по английскому. Complete the sentences using Unreal conditional (Present or Past). A.1. If I came home later ...", категории "английский язык". Данный вопрос относится к разделу "5-9" классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории "английский язык". Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.